Solutions You

Can Count On

Medicare 101

Training to Understand Medicare

Learn what is included in Original Medicare and what is NOT.

Learn what options Medicare recipients have to fill the gaps.

AHIP Certification

To offer Medicare Advantage plans

Before you can offer Medicare Part C (also known as "Medicare Advantage") to your clients, you'l need to get your AHIP Certification.

FFM Certification

To offer ACA Marketplace plans

To help clients under the age of 65 with health insurance, get FFM certified so you can offer health plans from the ACA Marketplace.

Handle It Over The Phone

Times are changing and we have been helping our clients by phone since 2020. Our goal is to help you on your time at your convenience. We also offer video call consultations and even in-person meetings if you prefer to see our awesome faces 😁

Why Clients Choose Us

We’d love to help you navigate through the stresses of insurance and help make it an easy choice.

Reach out to us and tell us about your current situation.


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Services We Provide

Medigap Plans

This is a popular option to supplement your Original Medicare Part A and Part B. To learn more simply click below...

Medicare Advantage

An alternative to Original Medicare, these plans are typically HMO and PPO plans with network providers...

Health Insurance

Coverage for everyone under 65 through the ACA Marketplace. Essential health benefits for all.

Dental / Vision / Hearing

Many plans have little or no coverage when it comes to dental work, eye exams or hearing aids. Find a plan that is right for you...

Prescription Drug Plans

Prescription Drug plans help with the cost of prescriptions. Each prescription drug plan separates its medications into tiers.

Hospital Indemnity Plans

When you have a plan that is full of co-pays and co-insurance, a Hospital Indemnity plan can help alleviate many of those costs...

Ancillary Products

Accident, Cancer, Heart Attack / Stroke, Hospital, Dental Insurance, and Critical Illness plans to give you a deeper peace of mind.

Financial Planning

It's not enough to protect your life and health, you also need to consider protecting your nest egg as it needs to last you for years to come...

Final Expenses

Nobody likes to plan for this but it is an act of love. This is a benefit that you give to the people you love once you are gone. Learn more below...

Do you need to talk to a Real Person?

We rarely meet people who do not benefit from working with an experienced agent.

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We love it when our clients follow us on social media. This is another great way to stay in touch and give updates on things going on in the market that can affect you. We also love sharing articles about health, life and finances. Click below to access our social media platforms.

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Phone: (512) 572-5900 Email: [email protected]